International relations

NCSF, the Dutch Science Fiction Society


The NCSF (Nederlands Contactcentrum voor Science Fiction) is a Dutch society founded in 1965 with the goal of promoting Science Fiction and connecting fans of SF in the Netherlands.


Book club

The NCSF book club is just as old as the NCSF itself and has been selling Science Fiction and Fantasy books ever since. We have everything from Golden Age SF to modern dystopia YA, both in English and Dutch. You can browse our database here. The book club represents the NCSF at various events and conventions in the Netherlands and throughout Europe.


The society’s general assembly occurs twice a year and allows members to come together to discuss the NCSF and vote on policies. Some of the members always linger and grab a bite together after the meetings.

Our members meet up monthly in several cities of the Netherlands for SF-Cafés and boardgame days. We encourage all fan initiatives and offer any support they need.


HSF is a more modern and inclusive quarterly reboot of HollandSF, a magazine the NCSF published for decades before lack of redaction volunteers forced it to halt publication in 2015. HSF has been approved as of the April 2018 assembly and was relaunched in January 2019. Most of the content is made available online a few weeks after paper publication here.


NCSF membership costs € 30 per calendar year. Members benefit from a 30% discount on book club purchases and receive 4 magazine issues a year. International members are welcome although the magazines are, of course, in Dutch.

Eurocon 2024

We hosted the Eurocon in the Netherlands for the first time ever in 2024. More info here.

The Board

The association board is composed of

President: Marlies Scholte Hoeksema
Secretary: John van Duin
Treasurer: Paul van Oven
Webmaster: Eddie van Dijk
Content and social media: Alice Jouanno

You can contact them for any queries at You can also find us on Facebook.